Leading Independent Drainage And Environmental Company In Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire

Drainage And Environmental Service
Diamond Drainage was set up in 2015 by Steven Hepburn from Aberdeen, he has dedicated himself to making Diamond Drainage a name you can trust for all your wastewater service needs. With continuous investment in cutting-edge equipment, the company is now an established leading authority in drainage solutions and maintenance across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. Steven's passion for quality workmanship and customer satisfaction drives our team's efforts every day.
With continuous development and training, our experienced team have the skills and equipment to handle any sewerage or drainage problem. Steven loves to focus on delivering solutions for the most persistent and challenging wastewater and storm water management problems and If you’re looking for a dependable and efficient drainage services, our team would be delighted to have the opportunity to assist you!
01 Safety And Security
Diamond Drainage is an accredited wastewater contractor, committed to maintaining a reputation for clean, sustainable work. We hold all the major industry accreditation and approval for safety and security to work with the public and private sectors.
02 Transparency
We are passionate and dedicated to providing a local and cost-effective drainage service to our local community. We pride ourselves in the commitment we have to our existing and new customers and building mutual respect with close working relationships.
03 Growth And Innovation
Quality, reliability and safety are critical values for the wastewater industry. We provide Innovative wastewater technologies from CCTV survey equipment, Information reporting software to cutting edge wastewater cleaning and recycling equipment.
04 Teamwork
With our diverse range of services, quality, innovation, safety and teamwork are the principles that guide all of our company actions, ensuring that our operations meet the clients' standards with maximum productivity and efficiency.
05 Community Outreach
Established with 'responsibility to society' as one of our main objectives, this has never been more relevant than it is today and we are fully committed to ethical practices, environmental protection, and community support.
06 Investment
Dedicated to having a reputation for clean, sustainable work with a high emphasis on investing in the most innovative sewer, drain and inspection equipment, with a fully trained team to compliment our service.
Industry Accreditations And Approvals

Our Service Sectors
With a diverse range of wastewater services from our depot in Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, we are focused on wastewater and environmental services that deliver solutions for the most persistent and challenging wastewater and storm water management problems.
We value our team and place a high emphasis on training and personal development, we all proudly serve our local residential and business communities in Aberdeen all of Aberdeenshire, Tayside and the HIghlands.
Celebrating 10 Years Providing Our Trusted Wastewater And Environmental Services